Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Monday, November 15, 2004

-+@ Evil Smelling Fens @+-

I wanted to post this yesterday, but blogger apparently was being stupid again, so I had no chance of posting anything. urgh. I hate days like those. And no, the title of this post isn't of any reference to jackalope.

Three Core cards "today", two magi and a relic. Art credits, left to right as usual: Szankovics, Hillgrove, Szankovics. Therra is a SP magi, the other 2 are for TG. And I guess that's the last of the Szankovic art that I have (thanks Nick). My muse is also rather muted for the time being, so I guess it's time to say a temporary farewell to MND card making and it's back to game coding for me.

I feel the urge to flame on Insiider today. Someone wants to start up the stupid discussion of ressurecting the game again. Urgh. Been there, done that got the T-shirt. Let's move on people, nothing to see here... until after (and if) they get the cartoon up and running. People have been getting posts from Lisa saying that the funds have been appropiated for the cartoon, but they haven't even lined up an animator for it yet, let alone a network to air it. My suspicions - it's going to be a huge failure. Oh well, if only 2i would die a decent death rather than attempt to haunt the game time and again with positive mumbo-jumbo which when they dont' materialise discourages the hardcore and worse still, makes them look like a jackass for having faith in 2i. Oh well.

Had a great idea for Bowling today - gutterballs! It'd be rather easy to code in as well. I'm glad I'm holding off coding the game, because I need to ferment the game in my head to make sure I am able to code into it things that would set it apart from the other dice games out there. I don't really want it to be a Yahtzee clone like Kismet though. Hence the brainstorming. I dunno though, I doubt it'd get played much, but as I said from the onset of this, this is just something for me to wet my toes in (i.e. to test the waters) for dice games... hopefully it'd lead to other things.

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