Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, January 28, 2005

-+@ Have Me Some Fun @+-

Well, at least that's what I want it to be. Some days though, when it rains, it pours cats and dogs. Pardon the mixed metaphor there. Where shall I start? Ah, images. I finished scanning the Asgard cards I have for Hyborean Gates. Here are 3 of them. I've been having problems with the scanner too...

Well, hopefully, I can edit away the imperfections.

I've been having problems with blogger for the last few hours, which has really gotten my blood to boil... figuratively speaking of course. I hope this gets posted. I'd sure hate to lose it. Spent the day divided between coding and gaming... and other things, but that's for another blog.

Played 2 games of Final Twilight with Nate today. Won the first, lost the 2nd on purpose so that I won't be 3 for 3 against Nate. Well, I really shouldn't be beating up the creator at his own game every time, I don't think. While playing, I noticed a few more things that could be done, and since I had to add in the Preview card images that were missing anyways, I decided I might as well do those as well. So now the game has a bit more automation than a no-frills game and with a bit more work, it'll be at the level of a licensed game. I really should stop working on it though, other things needs to take up my time...

Like Bowling, which I tweaked a bit today. I got the setup all functional, and I am going to guess that with about 4 more hours of work and testing, I can get it to be fully functional... with an AI for one-player games. That sounds so cool, but I'd need a 4 hour block (straight) to sit down and work on it though. Good thing the weekend is upcoming.

One thing about one-player games on the engine... once you run out of tokens, you can't play them. Blegh. Oh well.

I played quite a bit of gToons today, and when the ranking update came around, I had almost jumped 100 places to be somewhere in the mid 800s. Yikes! The most memorable match was against a fellow animal deck where all 5 of my animals were negated. Colours to win were red and green and with only Dexter's parents out (1 red, 1 green), I won the game with a colour win. Final score was something like 13 to 17, one of my lowest games ever.

Also played one game of LotR O which I lost, but I had fun killing off the 3 hunters with the besiegers. I guess I'll only have about 2 more weeks to play with my Besieger decks before rotation takes out Hate, one of the cards I really do enjoy playing with. I've got to try building a version of the non-solo Smeagol with a few more cards that I think might make things more interesting. Maybe over the next few days...

Project ChuckieCheese didn't get too much of an update today - I suppose everyone was busy. Either that or everyone has given up already. Who knows what's up with those people. Anyways, I wanted to look for a player in the Greater Phoenix area and I put out a post on Insiider and within a few hours, a couple of them offered to help. Insiider people may be an idealistic bunch, but they are always helpful when needed for short term projects. Either that or they are good at being busybodies!

I got an email today from Russ (who introduced himself, since I don't know him) asking me about card making programs. Well, I know of at least one out there, but I don't have it and can't name it off the top of my head. I pointed him to the forums and wished him all the best there. He's now on the engine checking out MND, which is one good thing in my book.

Ed told me I seemed to be the "original games" man, and I wanted to reply - "What? One game (Final Twilight) doesn't a man make", but sometimes there's no arguing with Ed and it was easier to go with the flow anyways, so I let things slide. Anyways, he wanted me to do this original game with cool graphics and sent me the rules. Well, I'll only do games on my terms I guess, and I said as much to him, in a much nicer way of course. I can't say much more than that, but when I can, it'll be here in all its fully glory (or should that be full ugly?).

Christoph, the new PL, popped up to ask a question about the gML so I started to help him. I ended up updating the Star Wars gML for him to work on. It's quite bizzare to be working on someone else's code again, to see things not written by me and formatted in a weird way. I so feel the urge to put everything into the way I'd do things... but... that's not my job, nor do I have the time. So after a quick hit and run, I fixed the problem and passed it on to Christoph. Everything else remained as they were and I tried my best to turn a blind eye to the things that was nagging at me to change.

I haven't seen or heard news about new CCG releases for this year. Origins will probably be the first time that any major news would be announced. I wonder how some of the major licenses are faring - GI Joe and TMNT were both made into CCGs last year, but news has been scarce and far in between. I guess I'll just have to wait till Origins to see what is happening with them.


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