Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

-+@ Snapshot @+-

Weekends are usually busy, so there isn't much to show... or is it? I've just checked the Dagobah expansion for Star Wars (Decipher) and things seems to be going very well. I've sent a few comments back to Christoph for further work, but once that is done, and depending on how things are suppose to work on Star Wars, I'm sure Dagobah will go up on the engine soon. Here's 3 of the new card types in Dagobah.

Oh and Return of the Jedi was the first every memory of a movie I watched that wasn't on TV, so those pictures brings back a lot of memory for me.

What's to say? End of month admin stuff being cooked up. Just a side note - thanks to all the MND players on the engine who's keeping the game afloat there. I think we're picking up new players there as well - please be kind to them.

Tomorrow, will be the end of the month report for January 2005. I think I'm going to make it one that would be the "master" copy or something. Most of the stuff on there doesn't change much anyways... we'll have to see. Also March will mark the beginning of my 3rd year on CCG Workshop as a PL, so maybe I should revamp it then. Who knows... I'll have a think about it.

Other news... my gToons rank is back in the mid 800s now thanks to a few games over the weekend. Not a lot, just enough to make sure I can stay in the 800s for a few more days. Jawbreakers and slams are the only 2 things that my deck can't handle at the moment, but other than that, I have a 50-50 chance against every other deck.

CCG Workshop wise, the games list page has been updated slightly and things look a bit better now. The legend is now on the top of the page instead of the bottom which makes it easier to read I guess. The other thing that would be good would be to add in a PL column to that list, but I'm not going to make that suggestion to Ed though, it's hard enough maintaining those types of pages.

I notice that Bowling has gone "public" although it's not done yet. When I get the game done, it can and will go public ASAP. Probably sometime February. The other game that has gone public is JC's Tournoi. It'll have to wait until he makes it public though, so I'll just have to wait for it patiently.

I think Mark is back onto Summer Camp again. I haven't seen him update his progress post on the forums though. Maybe I should look closer. Everyone else seems to be taking a break this weekend, and I think they deserve it. Logan has finally got Crypt to work in the new version of the engine after a few long nights of coding and is probably celebrating this weekend somewhere near the beach. Martin has been quiet, although I suppose that means he's just cooking up more ideas for his games. I hope we'll get Upkeep monitoring in Doomtown soon.



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