Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Monday, January 31, 2005

-+@ Alien Queen @+-

And if you haven't already guess it yet, it's Aliens vs Predator CCG. Kudos to Martin who got it right for this month. He gets lots more mention in my blogs to come, I guess, as a prize or something.

I'm going to be a bit mundane and put up two cards that people have probably seen today...

Art credits from left: Holmberg/Shreve, Nov, Werner/Nov/Holmberg. Wictul had a text change today. Wall has never been shown final, which is why it's there. The image on the right is the only new one, of course. Pencils by Werner, colours by yours truly and the background in part provided by Holmberg. I like the final colours - red and black. It makes it looks a bit more darker. That, along with Boqyea isn't probably the final image, unless nothing better comes along. We'll have to see.

The engine and the website got updated of course, and it's been spammed on the MND custom card forums. The forums has been seeing quite a bit of activity due to one person - werty. He's really going crazy there and he seems happy to be able to find someone to interact and talk MND with. Well, I should introduce him to Insiider at some point... but Insiider is a bit icky right now due to the hackings.

Too many people were complaining about the G'Kar and Psi thing so I updated the file early this morning just to keep people happy. Really, some people have no patience... myself especially. I'm going to ignore Babylon 5 until about March or April now since I've added in that fix and the new stuff that removes an entire discard pile from play.

The other thing I updated was Elemental, because someone actually played it... and not only that but made a few comments. Those were easy stuff to do so I added them into the game, especially with the new build of the engine. I guess I must be getting used to the new engine.

There was a fourth update today - I fixed up Christoph's Dagobah gML and uploaded it to the engine, complete with all the images. That took a while but because I asked him to reduce the size of the images, it didn't take as long as it would have taken. So the 4th set is now up on the engine. I wonder what Star Wars fans will say now. Oh and I'm effectively mentoring Christoph now. He seems very well mannered, unlike me :)

My gToons rank dropped back to the upper 800s again. Oh well, it's hard to swim in these fast flowing headwaters. Still, 800+ is nothing to scoff at I guess. I'd still like to try out a few other strategies, but I'm hampered by the lack of cards. Oh well. Here's hoping they'll release a new batch of cards this year.

I had a rematch against zoeckler on LotR Online with the exact same decks. He did ring toss site 2 when I played 2 Siege Troops. I really do like my Besiegers, but blew away my engines with Gandalf by site 4. Still, I was 2 sites ahead by then and was making him pay. Gothmoth on site 7 with 4 sites and again on site 8 with 5 sites means he was taking wounds like there was no tomorrow, and of course Hate came in handy. Meanwhile, my frodo was being burdenated like there was no tomorrow by his orcs. I reached 9 with 5 comps including gandalf and frodo and he played 3 orcs and fellowship enquea. T&E took care of enquea and I had to do the sacrifice comps thing, but I won... barely. 9 burdens on a Resistence 10 Frodo. That was hardfought and sweet.



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