Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

-+@ Rod of Coals @+-

So hot, it burns...

I might as well show off the TW cards that has been shown off elsewhere. These three are by Holmberg, whose permission I now have to use his art for the custom cards. I'm not selling them or anything though and I do mention his name everytime I show off his art. If you want to see more of his artwork, head over to *plug* Matt's Underworld which is also listed under the usual links on the right, unless you're syndicating this.

The big news today, at least for me, is that Werner replied to my email and gave his permission to use the artwork on his site for the custom cards, as long as I don't make money off them and as long as he is credited with the images. So that's the third artist this week to have given their blessing. I hope I make it 4 for 4 with Lou Holsten. Oh and since I'm doing plugs for people, Werner has an interesting site complete with quite a bit of eye candy. I posted about this earlier in the blog and there was some rejoicing in the gEngine forums.

Talking about that blog, Mitch made his first entry there. He was telling everyone about stealing a Cawh in his non-tourney MND game so I encouraged him to brag about it on the blog. He did and it was a fun read. Have I told you it's a good experiment to do group blogging? And on a sidenote, I can't believe I have a paragraph in this blog talking about another blog... heh, great waste of space I'm sure.

Since we are on MND (well, that's all I seem to talk about these days, isn't it?), the tourney finally had a couple of games after I wrote my last blog entry. I don't think those two things are connected, and I don't mean to imply anything by linking them together, but I know the tournament people are reading the blogs these days. Ack, there I go again talking about blogs when this is supposed to be about CCGs. Anyways, Mitch was the first person to qualify for the standings making it 8 games out of a possible 11. Good stuff and all there. I hope he won't be the only person to qualify. I know Daniel will be trying to qualify and Joe is just one game away from qualifying as well. Frank, surprisingly lost to Daniel earlier today, I know that Naroom deck was difficult to play against, but I never realised how bad it was. And one of the key cards? Evu's Bookworm. Wow. Talk about someone being supportive of the customs.

Tim (godofchaos) finally came back to play a game on the engine today after he saw the custom cards. For those who don't know, Tim placed 3rd after Welling and Bart in the last MND worlds way back in 2003. I think Wawek was enticing or something although he didn't realise taht with the current set of erratas, Wawek can't use Cawh. He also pointed out that I need to update Wawek on the Custom Card site. I better do that a bit later.

I did some more RP cards yesterday, Cald being the that batch of 5. The images ranged from the moderately good to the absolutely horrendous. I think I manage to save some of them from looking too bad, but I doubt I succeeded too much. I've posted them back to the RP section of Insiider as well as to the Custom Card forums and to MND @ gEngine. The cards can all be seen there, so I won't post them here (today). If and when they are slated to go onto the engine, I might post them here.

I think that's enough MND news for now. If you haven't already figured it out yet, and nipa did early last month, the titles are from MND for the past 2 months, and I guess that's really appropriate since all I seem to be talking about these days is MND. I really do have to find other things to talk about.

Did I mention that Ed is organising a ToJH tournament at the end of the month? He's been really serious about it too, holding tours nightly. And he's been successful. I've been encouraging the MND players to go for it since there's a prize pot of silver tokens to be won. Stick and carrot seems to work, the stick being that next month they are only going to get 5 tokens free as of the new build. Poor them. Well, that gives move impetus for people to win the MND tournament of course. 15 coppers is nothing to laugh about now. I also did say that I'll give out 5 coppers to everyone who qualify - it won't exactly compensate them for the games since they'll have to play 8 games to qualify, but it'll get them back some.

And there I go back to talking about MND again. I really have to try to talk about something else. I did manage to talk to Alex today about his Mythos tours. He does admit that things are going well, but not as well as they were before. He's busy with a million things though. I offered to help out with a few things - things that shouldn't get me bogged down too much, but he didn't take me up on the offer so I think I'll let it slide until he brings it up again.

Tony also pinged me today to complain about the upper view cards all in a stack bug. I pointed him to the solution and told him to keep track of the Technical Help forums more. I hope PLs keep track of the stuff in there, even when some of it is like way over the head of most people. Now I need to find out why NIS kicks me out of the engine immediately after I login, but not after a while. Perhaps it's got to do with the ping?

Martin has been a busy bee today, uploading updates to VTES and MECCG. One of these days I'll have to try MECCCG just to see how much better it is when compared to LotR. It should be better though, although I don't know how. What I suspect I'll miss is the LotR interface which is what I'm so used to.

Talking about LotR I played a game with the Bes again. Lost due to a number of stupid mistakes, but that's what casual games are there - to learn from mistakes. I do admit that a tournament player needs to know the cards roughly almost by heart though, otherwise, one wastes too much time reading them or making stupid mistakes. Playing a CCG competitively is almost like school - you have to study for it.

Haven't played a game with Kari since that fateful game where I humiliated his Rohan, but we are doing something else - doing nasty things. He just removed his first shepherd today who hasn't been giving tours for a while now. I had to go clean up the mess in the forums every time a Shepherd is removed. It takes work to add them as well. I'm glad the entire program is over. Now all that needs to be done is to remove them and to handle them when they go on vacation. I hope the system is implemented in a better manner at some point down the line.

What I was telling Kari as well is that we need to reinstate the pacmans... not as the do alls, but just as the local rules expert. I think those are sorely missing these days. People need rules direction and have no one to turn to. Well, maybe when VTES ges public, we can finally rethink the direction about shepherds and pacmans and ghosts and stuff into a whole that will make sense. Hopefully we'll retain the nostalgia of it all. Oh and have I mentioned that I'm very very pleased with the navy blue scheme that the engine has re-adapted? It's been so integral to the engine for so long, losing it was weird.

Did I mentioned I corrected the forums so that all the forum images now point to the main server? Well, most of them. I couldn't do the one that's at the top of the forum, so hopefully either Eddie will do it, or he'll tell me where to find it to change it. I'm still finding my way around this forum though, it's just so very complex compared with some other forums.

I really should get some CCGW work done today, so I best make this short and say a quick adieu. Or fromage frais! Fromage frais is always good!



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