Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

-+@ Ready for a Fight @+-

coz it's Bloodlines online release!

I pulled two of those last night in the sealed deck, Sauron was the card everyone was after. That Uruk won me one game out of 4, I only played 4 out of 6 though, because I was too tired. Won 2 and lost 2, the first one due to stupidity, the 4th one due to a very good swarm. Won the 3rd because of a stupid mistake by my opponent. People are still getting used to the cards and lots of stupid mistakes always happens during this. It's fun though.

Yesterday, I also updated MND on the engine and I added the Keeper's Quest promos there. TG cards got tweaks due to playtester feedback and I think it's going to be crazy to get everything in order there, but there's no rush to make that public anytime soon. Previewed the 2nd of the DJ cards online at MND on CCGW and I have no idea how many people have seen it yet. All in all, it was a good day yesterday for MND custom cards.

New engine builds means things go awry, and there are still a few issues with the new build, but with Ed away on holiday, I doubt it'll be fixed until he comes back. Anyways, nipa has been testing them out, tweaking his games to avoid all the pitfalls, so it's interesting.

Otherwise it's queit with Martin being away and Origins around the corner... time to go open online packs of Bloodlines!

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