Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Friday, May 27, 2005

-+@ Witchcraft Made Easy @+-

I did say the titles from this month's CCG is fun. And no, this game isn't on the engine, which is why I guess nobody has got it yet.

Art Credits:
Lisan: Liam, with special effects by Nov
Velvet J'lith: Gray
Chard: Liam, with background by Allen
Those are the latest 3 cards for TW, and with them are all the cards I have artwork for that's made in TW. I made a run on two artists work which I have featured before and I found quite a bit of them. Liam was one of them and as evidence from the cards above, he's rather talented. Not quite Holmberg-esque, but I'll make do with what I can get. Lisan is a contraction of the file name that I made for the art - Liam's Sandy. The interesting thing is that Lisa's name is in there as well (Yeah, she sent me a MND cap and T-shirt, so I'm good with her). Velvet J'Lith is done by Samir Gray, recoloured for Core. I like how it looks there though. And Chard was an interesting choice of artwork for a KT magi, and I thought that it deserved a non-Holmberg background, so I got something that Dave Allen did and used it as the background. Overall three rather interesting cards for TW.

And all those cards can also be viewed now at the Custom Cards page. While I was updating that, I also updated the SP cards to reflect the post-playtesting, final version of those cards. It's interesting that each card has a one paragraph write-up, which was a bit weird to do for SP, since most of the cards are rather similar. Also posted about these on all 3 forums that I'm doing admin for...

And today someone accused me of doing either insufficient or incorrect advertising targetting at the MND players. I have no idea why I was the subject of such a vicious attack, but people think they can get "hundreds" of players to the engine by simply advertising. Well, good luck to them. I won't be adverse if they succeed in that as well, but I've done almost everything that I think I can in terms of low-cost advertising and I must say, I'm getting a slow trickle of players to the engine, but definately not the hundreds and thousands that supposedly could happen if I did it "properly" whatever that may be.

Those were the latest 2 ads that were created for Twilight War, both with art by Allison Strom (Whyrl). I like the one on the left because of how the clouds perpetuated in the rest of the image. I had to extend both images to allow me space for the text which wasn't too difficult, but I didn't know if I could pull it off aesthetically. I think the one on the left isn't too bad though.

The tournament is going fine. Three people have qualified now, the first time that anyone other than Mitch has qualified. It's interesting tough how tough the competition has been at the top. birdie (whatever her real name is) got a boost when I declared her the winner of KQ#4 - she still needs 2 more games to qualify, but it's good seeing that a female is contending at the top spots with the guys.

I actually have a playtest in about 15 mintus. Fun stuff and all. The game is Urland and I haven't yet had the opportunity to try out all the new stuff under game conditions. However, I doubt I'll get anyone around to playtest though, the engine seems a bit dead at this point in time.

I also need to do the plates post update in a bit, as there are quite a number of things that needs to get updated there. I should really do a Go Fish update as well, but I've already posted my monthly report, and I'm also rather busy with all the end of the month stuff anyways. Oh well, there's always next month. It's not as if it'll run away or something.

And other PLs? Mark is still feverishly trying to get Endeavor public before Origins. One more month to go and anything is possible I guess. I hope he gets it working too. Logan couldn't find his copy of Sheboygan, or so I was told, so that's not going up. Martin meanwhile is in the midst of working on VTES again as it will be going for closed public soon. Can't wait for that to happen. However, before that happens though, a new Engine has to be finished and made available. Hopefully the hotpoints stuff will be fixed there.

JC surprised us all with a new game hitting closed testing this week. As usual, the images were too large in my opinion, but there's only about two cards anyways, so I guess that doesn't really matter here. Still some optimisation could be useful for his images in general. Timmie has been busy in tandem with Christoph to get fan cards for SWD into play. It's good that the support for that is going so strong now, particularly since it's heavily played. Still, it seems to be highly buggy and poor Timmie probably have no idea why it's doing that. Robert has been promising his fan made expansion for a while now, but I doubt he's too keen to do it since it is a lot of work, and nobody seems to be playing anyways.

And the Junior PLs? Craig is still trying to get the China expansion for UC out I think, but he seems to be going a bit slow. Well, no big deal there, I guess. He does deserve a break after getting UC public, IMO. Gray has begun coding for GE. I wonder how he's doing generally. He seems to be playing more often than he's coding, but there's nothing wrong with that as well.

People who seemed to have gone missing include Kev, and Monkeys isn't beta yet - I hope it'll be ready for Origins and Tony, who seems to have nothing to do now - well, he did upgrade WoT quite a bit, but he hasn't been advertising it much, so it's dying down again.

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