Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

-+@ Barrel @+-

of Monkeys?

Art Credits:
Retrefer by Alison Storm
Alia by Beth Zyglowicz
Greev by Alison Storm

Three magi for EF on display above. I'm particularly fond of the Greev image by Whyrl. I was busy a few days back so I decided to photoshop a card for EF. Conscript Vemment was the result and that will be shown in the trio above some other day. While there, I templated a few more cards for eXodus and Chimefall and consequently some more cards got added to EF. Since that was the case, the website got updated to showcase the new cards for EF (so you can view the Conscript Vemment there). So that means EF Arderial has all the images now and Paradwyn is one creature less.

I've been playing a whole lot of LotR recently since I seemed to have gotten into the groove of testing out Gollum with my non-solo Smeagol. It is still work in progress, but one newbie got really frustrated by it since I wiped out all his hobbits on site 6. It's bad news when one doesn't have condition discard.

Tomi has also been getting into the groove as well - Doomtrooper got updated on the same day and there was quite some buzz regarding the new tournament and the new tournament system for the tournament. It is good to see the troopers outnumbering the jedi for a change.

Meanwhile, I've been spamming up the main page of CCGW with all sort of news, but hey, those things are newsworthy IMO... well, except for the MND one that was put up today. There has been at least one item since the 3rd of the month and hopefully it'll be that way until about the middle of the month.

First it was Yukk!, then Reversi and now Borders. Borders got the XP treatment as well over the weekend and it gets easier and easier to code it once you've done it a couple of times. Yes, it got an announcement too, but prior to that I had to create an ad for it. I think it could be better, but I'm not going to complain about the ad that's currently placed with it.

Today I started coding on a top secret game? Heh, well, not that top secret, but I'm not going to say anything here until it gets released... which might be a long time in the future. It's different though doing a recent game, one that is still in print (although I have no idea how well it's doing in play). Hopefully it'll get me psyched up to finish off Hyborian Gates after it.

Talking about Hyborian Gates, I've got some kid to send me the scans of the cards I'm still missing in return for real cards. I think he has the better end of the deal, but these are cards I have excess of anyways and I'm not particularly fond of the cards so he can have them. I'm sure I also have probably a pound of Hyborian Gates commons and uncommons somewhere...



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