Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

-+@ Reach for the Stars @+-

Don't ask me why I choose that title. This post has nothing to do with Stars.

Isn't that one of the coolest thing... or is it the hottest? That's Jory, from the now defunct Magi-Nation duel game. Apparently, he was spoilt at GenCon last year, and this picture is from Matt's site so enjoy it while it's there.

I updated MND and B5 today, instead of working on Portable Adventures. Bug always say that licensed games should take priority, but somehow, I feel that people who pay for Premium Access should get their money's worth, and since Portable Adventures isn't pay to play yet... I think I should prioritise the games I have that I know people have paid to play. Makes sense right?

Still, I can't deny that Portable Adventures has to be done at some point... just not today. I do have to fix a number of issues that I'm still not happy with though. Maybe next week. I also have a whole lot of other "optional" things I did say I'll do. Bah, it's summer and the days are too nice to be cooped up on the computer...

And talking about Summer... Camp anyone?

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