Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

-+@ I've never been to Paradise, and I've never been to Nice @+-

I've not been to Georgia, nor California, nor anywhere I could run. The song was just playing in my head today and well... I think I should stop bastard-ising song lyrics for my blog titles. Most of the time they don't even represent what I'm going to say within the blog anyways.

I'll make this short and sweet... in fact, I'll just make a list.

1. Got my MoM cards from Timmy (isn't it surprising how often Timmy's name appears in my blog?). He's nicely wrapped it with plastic and tape. I hope it's complete and I'll check it in a bit. I also got some FotR rares from a trade... 8 rares for 3 rares, but FotR rares are much more common than the SoG rares I traded them for I think. I really don't mind though. It's not as if I'd be building a deck in real life anyways... I'm just collecting all the cards for the pictures.

2. LotR Online had a huge update today. I wondered if they fixed the bugs I found - 3 of them within 2 weeks of playing there. I'm too lazy to check today though.

3. Played a 4-player game of B5 today. Darshu won even without The Vorlon cards. I had to quit near the end because my connection was being flakey, but it was a good game. The Vorlon cards are getting some testing now, but there isn't anything seriously wrong with them now since deleriad's last modification, and here's hoping.

4. No Portable update today. I'm just too lazy and am seriously not in the mood. I'll probably suffer later on in the month when I'll rush to get them done.

Quite a few more other things, but I'm way too lazy to commit them to words, so that's all you have. Oh and I might have never been to Paradise, Michigan, but I've been to Intercourse, Pennsylvania :)



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