Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Monday, August 16, 2004

-+@ And They All Fall Down @+-

OK, starting a sentence with a preposition (or at least I think it's a preposition) such as "And" is technically wrong, not to mention being bad english, but I'm of the school that says if it sounds correct verbally, then it's correct. End of Story. Which (and that's another word which I really shouldn't be starting a sentence with, but I do it most of the time) is why you'll probably see lots of sentences of that structure here. Call it the Novelty way. (And that last statement is just plain wrong grammatically. At least it'd be plain wrong when considered by a purist English speaker. It's missing a subject, or at least I think it's the subject? It should technically have a "You can" before the word "call", but since being in Asia and being influenced by mostly non-Indo-European languages, the "You" is sort of obsolete in my book. At least I'm writing comprehensible (I hope) English which is more than what I can say about Singlish... or an even worse form of "pidgin" English - Manglish. I'll leave you to figure out where people speak Manglish, and yes, I do speak both those "pidgins" if I absolutely have to).

OK, English lesson aside, I got thanked for adding A New Hope today. Why do people thank me for everything? It's so weird. I redirected him to thank the PL for Star Wars. I think Timmy needs the encouragement, seeing how he probably only had like 4 hours of sleep last night. He must have a quick rebound or ricochet or something.

Oh and talking about ricochet, Ricochet came and asked me again about something mundane which I can't say because I'd be breaking the NDA. At least it was mundane to me and also I think he knew the answer as well as I did, he just wanted someone to confirm it for him to ensure that he wasn't losing his sanity perhaps... although IMO, it's a bit too late for that - once you start being a PL, I don't think you are sane anymore ;) He says (and this is only hear say, so don't quote me) that it'd be ready by the end of the month. I doubt that though. Bug needs to fix a few things before it can go public AFAIK. At least the scrolling function that Ricochet adapted from Abduction is working.

And while I'm on Abduction, Martin's work on Abduction is just astounding. He's probably devoted much of his spare time on the project and I can't wait to test out the game. It's an OK sort of game, I guess, but the artwork is good and the theme is interesting. I've said it earlier and I'll say it again. I can't wait to play this. Oh and since I'm a PL, I'll hopefully get access to it during the alpha playtest, like I did with Testimony of Jacob Hollow (TOJH). Yay me.

Yeah, and I do recall nipa telling me today that we might see ToJH go public this month. Although I'm probably putting words into his mouth. I thought all was ready last month but apparently it wasn't. nipa and I also had some fun last night with the gEngine cache directory. I clocked my directory at 2.8 GigaBytes with 81 sub folders - and that doesn't include the new ANH images or Crypt's new dice images. I just rechecked it today and it's about the same. Well, whatever that was added probably didn't show up under the radar of the 2.8 GB space. 2.8GB... I can't even imagine how much space that is. My first hard disk only held 200MB. Anyways, nipa realised he was 3 folders short and we finally figured out that he's yet to have Summer Camp and Tower Siege and CWNB. He should have the first 2 reloaded. As to the thrid...

Someone asked in the chatroom about Cold War Naval Battles (CWNB). I saw it but didn't see it in time to reply. Anyways, I caught Kev at work and told him about it. Apparently we do have the permission to adapt CWNB, or at least the first three sets of it. Well, Kev has got quite a few things on his plate so I'm not sure when we'll see that game, but it might be interesting.

And talking about Kev, his GridIron league is generating some buzz in the chatrooms. People are really keen to get it started and going. I wish I could play as well, but I'm too lazy to join the league. Besides, I've got way too many other things to occupy my time... like LotR Online.

Thought up a rather stupid strategy for my Hobbit deck in LotR O... and subsequently broke the client. Found 2 bugs with just one stupid deck idea. I don't know how to use their bug reporting system though, so I didn't bother reporting it. I did pass the message on. The common version of Sam I'm using counts +1 str for each hobbit companion... and there are only 5 of them available and I'm already starting with 4. The 5th - Bilbo - costs too much and doesn't really fit in my deck. However Bilbo gets to be a ring bearer and I thought that I could make 0 cost Frodo part of my starting fellowship. Wrong. The rules prohibit this, but apparently the LotR O client doesn't know that. Oh well.

I worked on the BOT today. No, not on BOT, the player. BOT as in the gNet BOT. There's quite a few stupid questions that were asked since the last time I checked, but we have developed a method for those types of questions. I'm amazed that some people don't put question marks at the end of their questions. I wonder if it's just plain laziness. I guess I'll never know. The BOT is getting to be rather a handful to do now. I think it'll probably end up as someone's full time job.

Right, no update for Portable Adventures. Maybe. I do feel a tinge of guilt about it. But then, I've long since learnt to ignore guilt where Portable Adventures is concerned. There are other more essential things in life to do... like breathing, eating and sleeping. Maybe tomorrow I'll do an update, if I'm up to it.

And as for Aliens? They are already on gEngine. Can't you hear them Hum?


  • At August 16, 2004 11:58 pm, Blogger Novelty said…

    OK, Never start our sentence with a conjunction, not a preposition. Says so at


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