Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

-+@ Another One Bites the Dust @+-

Another day and another one bites the dust. Not a very busy day really.

Didn't get to play a game of B5 although I saw a few in progress. Joined the MND league though and played about half a game but crashed out mid-way. Offered it as a draw and Mark is taking it as a draw. Not fun. Brandon was also arguing with Mark about false advertising - i.e. what was happening was actually some sort of tournament, eventhough Mark calls it a league. Ah well, guess different people understand different things even with the same word. The one cool thing was playing with Algae Band - the new art is just so perfect, especially in game. Sure feels good playing with that one card and I think that was what made league good for me at least, despite all the other ... unpleasantness.

Also played LotR Online, but that's nothing new there. Got into a huge 4 player game where I got to defeat someone... and then everyone ganged up on me. Quite fun actually. Made some more friends in that one game alone who willingly gave me more cards. It was fun. Sadly though, my deck hasn't been doing so well as of late... mostly due to two reasons - 1. copycat decks are using the same tricks and 2. other people are tech-ing up against that deck. Oh well, time to try something else that's different anyways... I want to see how many different ways I can use commons and uncommons to beat up the experience players. I traded away unopened packs for some promos so well, time to tweak a deck into existance over the next few days.

Updated Babylon 5 on gEngine today... more because the resolution autoskip bug was annoying me to no end. While I was there, I added some more errata and fixed a few more other things. Nothing major but at least it'll play more smoothly now.

Got a game of Portable Adventures in this morning with Bug and realised it was terribly broken. So I also took the chance to fix it... and did a few more other things including automating Roger. The game plays better now, but there's a bug in 135 that stops it cold... it'll be fixed in 136 though.

Oh, and I got all the secret codes so that I can reset the server when BugLaden is away on holiday. Sorta scary to have the responsibility really. Hopefully, it'll never be required.

Oh and BattleTech is getting some play now. I'm a bit grateful of that, but both BattleTech and DoomTrooper has been steadily dropping in number of games played... both are below the 100 games played level and could potentially go lower. stormcloak is trying to jump start some sort of competitive playing though. I wonder how that will do for DoomTrooper.

And it's almost time for me to say adieu, but as the South-Eastern US recovers from the Charley, maybe you should be checking out some storms on the engine as well... they might prove to be really wild.

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