Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

-+@ I Can See You in the Evening @+-

So, I think this blogger thing is broken. Sure it saves all my blogs, but it doesn't seem to be able to display them... so I'm stuck on two days ago, I think.

Not much happened today really. I did up some MND customs for Tainted Glimpses, one of which is posted above and updated MND with new art for Brown Stuff. funk asked me to update a number of cards, most of which he considered underpowered, and most of which I threw out. Why do people what to up the power levels of the cards? It only closes the door to future design possibilities which is not a good thing.

While I'm on MND, I did talk to Liesik about his new job, well, the subject of his new job anyways. He's pretty much up to date about which sets are legal for which format... I guess he has to be since he's directing it now... oh and the game? Pokemon :)

Pestered Mike Nickoloff some more today. I think he's beginning to regret talking to me. Well, I still have to finish up Portable Adventures for him though. Hmm...

Got my "free" montly LotR O boosters today. Didn't get much in them except for one rare that is borderline good. I wonder if I can trade it for something I need.

I don't think I mentioned that I got my ebay Scooby Doo cards yesterday. That was fun. Now I just have to find about 10 more of the super/ultra/very rares and I'll have a full set of Aliens Too. I wonder if it'll be worth it to adapt it for the engine.

And talking about Aliens, you should go try them out on the engine. No, not the vs Predator kind, but the Daemon kind.



  • At September 09, 2004 7:39 am, Blogger Jackalope said…

    Yeah, it tends to go down sometimes, and it won't post your updates while it's down. I don't know if it's maintanence, server upgrades, or what, but you get used to it.


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