Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

-+@ It's the Most Wonderful Time Of The Year @+-

And the LotR bandwagon rolls on...

I like this series of cards and I can't wait to look forward to them. Those of us playing online would of course get to play with these cards 2 weeks early...! I got that confirmed by Scott Martins, the lead guy in charge of Worlds Apart (which apparently is based in Denver, CO).

Apparently the cards are being spoilt just after I post my blogs so some of them are really 24 hours old, but oh well... I wonder what will be shown today... probably a bunch of minions.

I was on the engine earlier when this happened:

[wolfen] hello
[Novelty] guten tag!
:) i'm french not german pal!
[Novelty] lut! :)
[wolfen] cool un français ;o)
[wolfen] novelty tu joues a quoi
d'habitude? (je débute là)
To which I replied something like... "Erm... parlez vous anglais?" Heh :)

Churned out the numbers for September and got Bug to fill in the blanks for the featured games for next month as well. So that's another month that's finished. Was rather surprised that the number of Shadowfist games fell. Hopefully they have gone on to play other games.

Martin got the new version of Abduction up today and was rather excited by it, he even played a game with Kev. I glanced through the AvP rules though and am very surprised to see that a lot of it is very similar to Abduction. That might be interesting...

I finally printed out the VS rules and can't help but notice that it's WS with a few bits and drabs bolted on to form a game. I can even use my current WS cards to play VS, although I doubt that would be tournament legal. I wonder how different the power levels are...and it might be fun to adapt a version of WS for use with VS rules.

The other thing I finally saw are the HumAliens and the TMNT pictures that Billy took, apparently sorta for me. They were a bit dark, but one could make out what they pictures were of. One is a dead game, the other will probably follow the first and die after one expansion. Oh well, such is the life of a CCG.

Well, go Ursuppe in Urland!



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