Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

-+@ Burnout @+-

Not much new in CCGW land these days... well, quite a few things new, but those aren't for me to talk about. No, I haven't worked on anything since the last update so there isn't much to write about... or is there?

Thomas played a few games of 7th Seas last night - and he's got all pumped up about finishing the updates for the game. Well, it's good to see someone taking control of that game after the initial period of abandonment. Hopefully, it'll be one of the more played games.

Logan was talking about his attack plan for this weekend on Shadowrun... something about attachments going the PAD way. I'm not sure PAD is a good template for anything. It's just way too messy as it is now and each time I look at the code, my head thinks that exploding would be a better fate than actually making sense of it... let alone update/upgrade it with new features. OK, I'm exaggerating there somewhat, but that explains my reluctance to look into it unless I have more than enough time set apart for it... which isn't going to be this weekend.

Didn't manage to get the images for Bowling done... I really should attempt to get those done as well. Once that is done, the rest of the game should hopefully flow easily... after all, the game is a very simple game which doesn't even need a player... maybe I'll get nipa into the development to make it a nominally 2 player game, but an AI kicks in in 1 player mode just like Reversi... come to think of it, Yahtzee and Kismet could benefit from that too.

Haven't really talked with Bug at all this week, I wonder how the next build is progressing. Martin seems to be moving forward with VTES, now that his other "distractions" are out of the way. Let's hope he gives it his full spit and polish. nipa still seems to be MIA... which is a pity. I hope he has lots of free time to do things he won't normally do... although what those are I have no idea.

One more week till LotR Online gives us Shadows. I was rather excited... until the last few preview cards dampened it. I just figured out that the common that my shadow side is built around would stop working in Shadows... which is a pity. Time to work on my entire deck then... Hmm... somehow I'm not too keen on that, but I guess with the new cards there'd be the new environment and I suppose I'll have no choice but to do so.


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