Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Saturday, October 02, 2004

-+@ High Caliber Excitement @+-

Well, no more song snippets for titles, but the start of something new. I've decided to pull out card names from a CCG each month to be the titles for all the post that month - that should fit in rather well with the "feel" of this blot, I should think.

So 1.5 days of blogging to do, and not much to report. Real life have been keeping me busy as the run up to the "end of year" festivities - after all, not only do I have the cultural and national festivities, but there's also the "religious" and racial ones as well, which means that from about now till mid Febuary, it'd be on average 2 festivities a month (if not more).

Haven't done much for CCG Workshop over the past 1.5 days - managed to play a B5 game where two of the opponents just disconnected suddenly, probably due to a common ISP winking out. Oh well. Still it is nice to see new players feeling around the game and trying out new strategies. I hope the B5 players stay around.

Later today I hope to have the next/done buttons done for PAD, and the MND background update... and probably a quick AvP defect update. Sounds like a lot of work, but I'd rather do them ASAP and use the rest of the month for... Bowling... and other things.

And just in case you thought I forgot about LotR... well, think again. There's a Maggot and some salt:

The unbound Hobbit would make a culture shock Hobbit deck even more powerful of course, which the salt, as a possession would just help negate skirmishes which those poor unbound hobbits can't possibly win. Some pathfinding would be required to keep Maggot pumped up at 7 I guess, but with the new resistance of 8, he could be good.

Without the DH choke though, my tales deck is going down the drain. Sam just doesn't cut it in that deck even if I'm using the GEW version. I guess I'll have to go back to the drawing board to do the Promise Sam/Frodo deck, with a full Hobbit hospital to keep things going. And that's not even taking into consideration the new deck strategies. Blegh.

One more change in my blogs - I won't be doing cryptic end of blog messages for games on the engine... those are getting old or corny and I'm geting out of ideas. The card titles though, would hopefully make up for it. High Caliber Excitement indeed!

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