Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

-+@ Salvage Operations @+-

Worked on MND and AvP last night and fixed a few things here and there, including solidifying the text for the 4 Shadowsfall Promos on the engine. I wonder if those will be the last of the custom cards. Hopefully not. Still, I'm too busy to be working on those cards, so they will probably get ignored for a bit.

Martin is still interested in working on AvP, and he has plans to standardize the cards and stuff. I dunno, I guess that's up to him if he wants to take it over. He mentioned something about a good set of cards on ebay. I hope he's not purchasing it.

Well, I was suppose to work on PAD today, but then I decided I'll go in and do some 5 minutes coding on Borders first and finish it up. So, I went in, did what I wanted to do (found a few more minor little things to change) and loaded it onto the engine to find that I've broke it. Urgh. And I didn't have the last version backed up... so I either have to fix it or salvage it somehow. Well, 3 hours later, it's fixed, but the whole thing isn't pretty. It works much smoother now though and the Reverse (Reversi) card works for more than 2 players now. I'm still pondering if I'm going to add an alternate version with the more usual numbers. Maybe next year.

So, PAD becomes the casulty today... oh well, can't be helped. The good thing is that the learning points from Borders is definately something to keep in mind when I next work on Portable Adventures, whenever that may be. Tomorrow would be WS automation - something I'm not really looking forward to as it's going to be messy, but nevertheless, something that has to be done.

Bug still hasn't announced that PAD has officially gone into Beta testing. It's almost 3 months since it's been there. Not that I'm complaining though, that's up to him to announce stuff. I hope he's busy working on the next build of the engine and on VTES which is what most people seem to be clamouring for these days.

I wonder when Bug will be announcing the new game. I should bug him about it sometime soon. There should be at least one announcement a month and since it's October, I think he should be making an announcement. Might as well get it out of the way ASAP so that people can oooh and aaaah about it for a while.

As for new games that might make an appearance in October? Bowling might squeeze by... or it might be delayed until the first week of November. That will depend on quite a few things IMO. I would say nipa's Testimony oJH might probably be the closest game to close testing at this point in time, but since he's without internet access, it'd be hard for him to test and finish everything this month. Also, I'm sure he'll be preoccupied with other things. Next in line would be Frank's Zoo, but that seems to have hit some snafu with the scoring system, which seems to be more complicated that it seems to code. Oh well, I should probably lend a hand there. Outsiders would be Monkeys and Summer Camp... both of which seems to be progressing slowly, if at all. I guess only time will tell. It'd be good if all 5 games goes public this month though. We could definately use the increased publicity and hopefully, the increased playing pool.

Of course, it was promised almost 2 months ago that VTES would go into beta in October. I wonder how close it is to that. I guess it would all depend on how fast Bug is coding the new engine for VTES, since it's on a separate server and stuff. That's one thing to keep your eyes on.

I also updated the plates post today. Not much, but since it's the beginning of the month, I thought it deserves some cleanup and prettying. I seem to be the only one using it regularly, but who knows...

Well, I think I need a break from LotR cards and I'm not posting any today... I don't really want Decipher to find out I've been linking to their images as well. I did play 2 Kings draft today, placed last in the 1st one, and 5th in the 2nd one, out of 8. Not too shabby IMO and I got more cards from both draft combined that I would have got if I opened the packs, so I would say that's a good bargain.

And the reaction to Shadows have been more positive now, especially since that Decipher seemed to have weened itself off WARS and have focused a bit more than usual on LotR. People are still rather confused about the myriad of new things that the new set is introducing, but with about a month to go for real cards (and two weeks for online cards), things are shaping up to be rather interesting.

Oh and I have to agree with RP Weld. Sim City cards are boring... and by boring I mean really really bland and unexciting. Why do you want to spend $$$ on cards that picture buildings and scenery that you ignore as you pass by everyday? Well, I'll finish opening up my booster, because I have nothing better to do with them.

Also finished reading through the VS rules and I must say I'm disappointed with them. I see MtG and B5 influences in the game, but it's still predominately WS-inspired. Still I guess it's a good model as any to capture the MtG audience, and the large official sanctioned tournament prize money sounds like a good thing as well... if one played MtG. Still, I don't think it'll last too long though, but it'd be one game I'd like to try. So many games, so little time.

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