Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

-+@ Make Some New Friends @+-

I originally wrote a blog yesterday, but errors chewed it up and I decided I would take a break and do something else.


Logan celebrated his birthday last week so I guess now he's officially older than dirt. To celebrate though, I made him a rather special birthday card...

Heh, well, he's probably older than all those other people there or something like that. I thought he'd appreciate it since he practically grew up in the backyard of that "national monument". Yes, that's a Sim City card... if you haven't already noticed.

Apparently I'm not the only one with that idea.

That's one Mr. Patrick Michael Sullivan aka Black Barney and also known by his initials PMS. He's running for president from the GPN ticket, although what presidency he's running for I have no idea. Some swift boat vets though have already started a smear campaign against him as evidenced by the card below:

Anyways, I spent much of yesterday tweaking my various hobbit decks... to disasterous results. The problem is that the new cards are sucky and the old cards have become sucky as a result of the new mechanic - resistance. Urgh. Anyways, I'll have to think of a new strategy and a nice common/uncommon deck as well. I seemed to have made a friend in Lockescythe and both of us have been tweaking our decks.

Didn't get time to work on PAD but I didn't really feel like it as well... was also busy tweaking LotR decks as well. I should really go finish up on the things I said I'll do this month because it'd be ridiculous to carry it over to next month. Also, the ideas are fresh in my head and I know what to do so...

We got more shepherds over the weekend. Look out for more tours being offered.


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