Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

-+@ Ancient's Wisdom @+-

He is no fool to give what he cannot keep and to gain what he cannot lose...

OK, not MND images for a change but HumAliens ones instead. That's because I did a HumAliens update today with the clone cards and these are three of the cards. So that makes it Aliens, Beasts, Clones and Humans from New Order. Robots and X-PETs and Enhancements and Actions are all that's left... and that's the bulk of the work. Well, hopefully next month Robots and X-PETs will be added and Enhancements and Actions will follow soon after.

I also did the sole eXodus d'Resh card for MND - it's the only card with an image so it went in. That card can be seen at the Custom Card Forums, on Insiider or at MND at gEngine. It's not too shabby, although like everything else it can be better. That's 4 regions done for eXodus and I think Exodus Flight is taking shape nicely. So that means I'm working on a total of 5 custom sets now for MND - 2 promo, 3 expansions. Sounds complicated, I guess. Otherwise MND has been quiet and for a change, I'm not going to blog too much about it.

I finally managed to do the montly report yesterday - it's going to be a long read, but it's there. Nothing much new there, it's mostly used by me to keep track of what needs to be done on the myriad of games that I'm handling. And since it's not on the CCGW forums anymore, people can't complain too much that it's taking up space there. I've yet to do the statistics tracking thing yet, it'll have to be done after this.

It's also a quiet day CCGW-wise. I know Tomi was working on Dark Eden because I made a few suggestions as to what would be nice in that game. Nothing special there, just the usual nipa-esque stuff common to his games. I'm not trying to influence his nipa-Martin score there as well.

Martin seems to have been working on clipping VS cards. It looks good as well. He finished BattleGRID yesterday, but haven't yet made it public yet. HotS also might have had an update as well, although I haven't checked. No news though on when we're getting upkeep tracking in DoomTown, but I hope it's soon.

Tony seems to be headed into the direction of multiplayer WoT. It seems as if he has some rather crazy ideas going on and I wonder if he'll be able to carry those out. I have no idea though if those ideas are even feasible, but if he makes it work and if he makes it work well, it might even get copied into other games.

Timmie still seems to be coming to grips with all the weird and funny ways of things. He's let himself out of the loop for 2 years and now he's trying to play a game of catchup. That's not going to be easy though, but I'm sure, like all the new PLs, he'll surivive and cope... at least I hope so.

Logan is probably still clipping Shadowrun cards, although I think Tomi has offered to help him. I hope they finish that up soon so that they can move on to bigger and better things... like starting MoA and finishing DoA.

Talking about licensed games, Kev said that monkeys is very close to open testing. I wonder though does that mean that it's already ready. Who knows. Also, Sandwich Shop might get a complete makeover with a version 2. I made a few suggestions as to how the game could progress. We'll have to see what happens there I guess.



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