Novelty's Novelties

Novelty, from the Old French word Novelt, meaning new.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

-+@ Ebony Mirror @+-

Sometimes we all need a mirror to look at ourselves...

Art credits: Werner/Gillette, Szankovics, Werner/Gillette. These are probable TW cards. I think I've got to start saying which sets these cards are from since there are a few that are in the works. I think these 3 cards fit the War theme rather well, and as the comments on the Custom Card forums show, people are expecting new mechanics from these. I have no idea though what shape these cards will eventually become, but it promises to be interesting.

Not much happening for MND today. It's a bit quiet this weekend, presumably people are taking advantage of the long weekend or something. No tournament games, although some people did show up in the MND room, particularly one who said he only showed up because he got an email from Bug. And I'm starting the story from the end - Bug sent all users an email with quite a lot of info on it to advertise about the new build and stuff. Hopefully we'll get a few more players returning over the next few weeks.

I did the Core cards for eXodus today. The big surprise is that the quality of the art for Core is much better than say Cald or Bograth. All the cards can be seen at either the Custom Card Forums, Insiider or MND at gEngine blog, as usual. I think Exodus Flight is definately going to go ahead then based on the quality on the Core cards. Whyrl and Angetiger's stuff is nice and Blitz's artwork gets better as I proceed down the region list. Cards that will definately be used for Exodus Flight that have been done so far - Orbit, Lunar Aversion, Conder, Kiradan, Lava Lasp, Acid Morgg, Sergen, Spiny Beeb and Shadow Chain. I'd like to use Rayalon Scholar, Toxic Mushroom and Coal Mask as well, but FlameRaven is rather protective of her art stuff. We'll have to see. Of course, those cards can't go in as they are now, some of them would probably need renames, and all of them would need to have the text reworded properly and balanced for the card games (instead of balancing them for RP, which is what they were written for).

I updated Wildstorms today. Found something odd with it though. Hopefully it's fixed. The game really needs linked dice and attachments, but the former is icky to do properly unless I'm prepared for it and the latter is very much icky - I'll wait for the next build and do it next month.

Also updated the plates post today, but that's neither here nor there. The Go Fish update yesterday served its purpose rather well. Now that we have new stuff from the new Engine, I thought I'd update the look of the images in the plates post as well. Nothing revolutionary or anything there tough.

The Rage moot attracted quite a number of players today. Not as high as I've seen it go though, but still it's good enough that someone is playing a dead game. Rage players have also begun putting out feelers to the other games - I've seen them playing Doomtown, Mythos, MND and ToJH.

Talking about ToJH, Tomi has been working on it to close out all the bugs that Ed has been discovering in his tours. The ToJH tours are really popular though, probably because of the time that they are held, but also because of the upcoming tournament and the 20 silvers top prize. 20 doesn't seem to be too much, but when you consider that it's 4 months worth of free tokens, suddenly it takes a whole new meaning. I definately hope that more than 3 people show up to play the game though.

Kev has been doing amazing font things for Galactic Empires in preparation to coding the game. I'm sure between him and Gray, they'll probably knock out a good version of the game. I wonder what sort of level they will make it to, I doubt that the "no-frills" approach will be used here.

Tony is still working away at WoT, using a font file that Kev developed and stuff. That game is still steadily getting improvements. I wonder if he's added attachments yet. That's a huge big chunk of scripts that's required for that, and not all of it is working as well... which makes me wish for the next version of the engine. Was suppose to be yesterday, then today, but nothing happened, so maybe it'll be tomorrow. Who knows what will happen?

Martin was busy working on those attachment scripts and getting VTES ready for the big beta release. I'm sure people will be wowed when they see what else he's done for that game. Talking about Martin, I've yet to try out Doomtown with the new upkeep counter. I wonder also if Martin has put in any other changes, like increasing the bullets to 9 studs and stuff. Also, I still think there should be faction tokens in that game. I'll have to ask for them at some point, maybe after he's reasonably happy with the completion of VTES.

Apparently Bug is going to be holding tournaments every Sunday. ToJH is this weekend and HotS is in 2 weeks time. I wonder if he's going to do PAd next Sunday. We'll have to see. I haven't even fixed the bugs there yet. Maybe I should bump that up and give it some priority soon. And I just realised that for the whole of next week MND is free. I better ask the MND players to use up their copper tokens by today otherwise it'd be a waste.

Right, I think it's time for a quick game of LotR. I feel like smashing things up with some Besiegers.

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