No new public game from me this month. Whoa! That's the longest I've ever gone I think. Quite a lot of other things happening this month... and yes, I'm a few days early, but since I know I won't be working much over the rest of the month, this is pretty much it.
TournamentsThe April MND Elder's Legacy tournament had 8 participants, although more signed up. Malovis was declared the undisputed winner. The May MND Elder's Legacy tournament is still ongoing and this is the first time that there has been a reduction in the number of players this month than last month. It is very likely that Malovis will also be the winner this month, although it's a bit close to call for now.
gNet BOT
The BOT is being cleared on a daily basis so that the questions are populated with answers ASAP. Nothing much to see there though.
The forum wasn't as busy as last month, but it still required quite a bit of work. Two new games means the requirement for two new forums, and the games that went public now has to be moved to the correct sections as opposed to the previous layout where they just sit there. I think this format is better than the last one, and the number of posts being made hasn't taken too drastic a hit... yet.
Games were mostly for stopgap measures, the ones needing updates the most getting them, while those that could live with the older stuff will live on with them.
AVPVT Aliens vs Predator
A quick display fix for the game was made this month. The traffic on this "no frills" game still doesn't warrant the attention that other games should be getting.
ELEM Elemental
Elemental got tweaked a bit more in an attempt to figure out if hotspots can be the sweet spots. Unfortunately, the engine isn't mature enough for this yet. Oh well.
HALN HumAliens
Pet Enhancements and the non-Team Actions were added, thus bring to completion the entire New Orders expansion online. It is not possible to play some of those cards online yet, but since I have no idea what new mechanics are possible or not on the engine it's a bit difficult to add them. Playtests are definately required.
MND Magi-Nation Duel
All of the new fan-made expansion, Tainted Glimpses, was added to the engine this month for playtesting. Shadowsfall Promo went out of playtesting, and I took the opportunity to convert MND such that now it recognises "Novelty Format" instead of "Standard Format". A few more features were added, but these aren't too obtrusive so not many players would probably have noticed them, yet they make the game flow better. This is one of the top 3 games played on the engine after all and it needs constant attention.
Urland picked up a few things thanks to a playtest last month. Labels are gone so that the board look less cluttered. Volcanoes automatically go to the back so that Ichtos aren't blocked, and the panic chip is now automated... and the announcement has audio as well as visual.
YNDT You Need Drew's Truck
The remaining YNDT updates were added, automate truck moving, playing stuff to donuts. Auto placements had to be recalculated to take into account the different play area these days thanks to the new engine.
June 2005 Plans
I only did 4 of the 8things I said I'll do this month. Better than the 2 out of 6 from last month. I guess gone are the days when I can finish what I should be doing every month. I did predict that I'll be to falling behind even more in May, and I'll say that the same outlook will be carried over into June. Also to be carried over into June are the 4 unfinished tasks from this month.
Babylon 5 still needs to finally get the bold text in for all the cards. This will be a major upgrade for minor benefits.
Firestorm will need to get started this month. This is going to be huge.
Hyborian Gates needs to get spoiler-ified, cards needs to be clipped and processed for the engine this month.
MND Minor typo updates required on Shadowsfall, and various other updates for the TG playtest cards.
PAD Encounters automation should start with the first 3 cards this month.
Elemental needs to get things fix once Ed figures out what's wrong with the coding.
Bowling goes optional this month with the update to change the message slider to buttons.
New expansions for AVPVT (Terminator) and WSS1 (WSS2) are going optional this month as well.
The regular optional - Go Fish cardback updates will still be retained for the month.
So, games for this month not prioritized, nor with expected completion dates:
1. Automate some Portable Adventures encounters.
2. Babylon 5 Bold text.
3. Magi-Nation Duel - minor typo fixes.
4. Firestorm - spoiler and images
5. Hyborean Gates - spoiler and images.
O. Add Go Fish cardbacks when available.
O. Bowling - change dialog box to buttons.
O. Complete WSS2 cards for WSS1.
O. Add Terminator cards to AVPVT.
O. Elemental - complete hotspots and Tidal Wave automation.
Rest of the Year Plans
Aliens vs Predators and Terminator (AVPVT) - Add Atmosphere cards and create the Planetfall scenario. Add Terminator to the engine and create the 2 additional scenarios, as well as the Terminator scenario(s). Quite a bit of work here, but between Ravage and Ryan(Rekkon), I hope to get everything up and ready by the middle of next year.
Babylon 5 (B5) - Still on the list of things to do is the automation for replacement and the automated influence tracking and automated initiative determination. Those would take quite a
lot of time that I'll have to schedule to be set aside.
Borders (BORD) - Game is fully functional. It should probably get promoted to Now Playing soon.
Bowling (BOWL) - More playtesting is needed for this game especially after the fix.
Checkers (CHECK) - This is another "no frills", "low-tech" game at the moment. It would probably get upgraded once I have the time, motivation and ideas, but for now it's playable and that would have to do. Hot spots and automation and AI is envisioned for the future.
Elemental (ELEM) - The tidal wave automation has long been outstanding. I think it's possible
to do this now, but the script is going to be rather complicated. No schedule for this. Not a high priority since the game works well without the automation and I don't want to introduce something that would introduce errors. It will be done when I can find the time and the motivation. Hotspots aren't working properly yet for Elemental.
FastBreak (FB) - The game is beginning to feel a bit "low tech" now, eventhough it did have a few innovations (when it was first made). Could do with more playtesting and more inprovements, but until I find the time and the motivation, this isn't going to be done anytime soon.
Final Twilight (FTWIL) - A pay-and-play system and card attachments are also in the works. This game was originally intended to be "no-frills" but since it's probably getting licensed, it'll have to move beyond that.
Firestorm (FIRE) - New licensed game for me to do for 2005, it's going to be delayed to a December public release, or at least that's the plan, if I get all the cards.
Go Fish (GOFSH) - What do you do when the game plays well and is bug free? Nothing I suppose. However, it'd be getting a minor facelift soon - a tiny crab will be added which will allow an 5 more players to play the game simultaneously. I doubt we'll ever get 13 players into a Go Fish game, but who knows? The schedule is undetermined at the moment, and it's not high priority. As usual, cardbacks will continually be added to this game.
Hamlet (HAMLT) - There really isn't much to do on this simple game except more playtesting... and perhaps a tournament or two. Hamlet is one of the few of my licensed games I'll consider ready for Now Playing status.
HumAliens (HALN) - Massive playtesting is required and the functionality for New Order cards needs to be added in. No plans for this at the moment.
Hyborian Gates (GATES) - Hopefully this will go public in June. It's going to be another "no frills", "low-tech" game though so it might lie fallow until someone with more enthusiasm and ideas comes along to take it over.
Magi-Nation Duel (MND) - Custom cards are still ongoing and I think people are rather used to the gameplay. The only other thing that can be done is to track how energy is gained and used up. However that is a monumental task since every card does it differently and there are many modifiers... which means it's not going to get done.
Portable Adventures (PAD) - Encounters needs to be automated, and then there's quite a bit of work involved with the playtesting.
Quartet (QUART) - Playtesting was carried out this month and all issues were fixed. I think this is another game that can be promoted to Now Playing status. No further work required.
Reversi (RVRSI) - Since Tomi added the left-click functionality and upgraded the images, it's done and has been upgraded to "Now Playing". No work required.
Triple Triad (TRIAD) - Scanning has finished, but I have no idea when I'll have the time to code
this. There is also a rather good site to play it online anyways, so it might be moot to adapt it to the engine... but it'll make a good distraction for one the the months when I need a distraction. I only have cards 1 - 90, so if anyone wants to scan in the rest of the 18 cards, for me, they are
most welcome. Please PM me for more details.
Urland (URLND) - It could use some scoring automation at some point in the future as well as hotspots. Those will have to wait.
Wildstorms (WS) - There's the plan to add my custom StormWatch expansion sometime this year, probably in the second half of the year. Also the cards needs to be clipped and blanked. That will have to be done first.
Wildstorms Legends (WSLS) - This game is going into the queue after Firestorm, Hyborean Gates and Triple Triad. I guess that means it won't go public this year.
Wildstorm: Set 1 (WSS1) - The WSS2 update is still planned, although it hasn't gone ahead. The game also needs and auto-score if the defender wins. This will be done with the WSS2 update. Schedule: June - October.
You Need Drew's Truck (YNDT) - The only thing to automate are the action cards. This would be possible, but a bit pointless. Nevertheless, it'd be fun to do if I can schedule in the time. Sounds would be a good addition too.
Yukk (YUKK) - This game feels rather low tech, but it works well. I think I'll leave it as it is.
I have way too many games on my plate. No new game announcements from me for a while.
Rest of 2005 Plans
August - HGATE, FIRE, WS (clipping)
September - FIRE, WS (clipping)
October - FIRE, TRIAD, WS (Stormwatch)
November - Finish up everything outstanding
December - One month break from coding
High Priority:
* Automate Encounters in Portable Adventures
* Make Hyborian Gates beta
Medium Priority:
* Firestorm
* Add bold text to B5 cards
In between Medium and Low Priority:
* Add Terminator to AvPvT
* YNDT action automations
* B5 replacement
* HumAliens playtesting
* Automate scoring in Urland, add hotspots
* Add AI to Bowling
Low Priority:
* Final Twilight automations
* Triple Triad
* WS Legends
* WSS2 expansion for WSS1
* Stormwatch expansion for WS
* Atmosphere for AvP
* Checkers automation
* Crab to Go Fish
No Priority:
* Tempest of the Gods
* Armageddon